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St Hild's College C of E Aided

Primary School


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We had a fantastic disco party and arts and crafts activities in Year 1 as our end of year Dojo treat.

KS1 and KS2 had a brilliant visit to Beamish. We visited the Pit Village, the Mine, the Town, the 1950s Town and we enjoyed riding on the vehicles.

A huge well done to everyone in KS2 who represented St Hild's at the Durham Dash - you all did brilliantly!

Thanks to Captain Chemistry for coming into school to work with us all again this year.

Thanks to our friends at St Giles for coming into school for another Open the Book worship - this time, they told us about Jonah.

We learned about different jobs during careers week.

We enjoyed a super skipping day with Gail. She left us a long rope for playtimes.

Thanks to Hannah from Oases for delivering a special Forest School session to Year 6 as an end of year treat!

Thanks to PC Blackett from Sherburn Road Police Station for coming into school during Careers Week to talk to Year 6 about his job.

Year 6 went bowling as a special end of year treat. Thanks to everyone at Lane 7 Durham for making us so welcome.

We had another brilliant day drawing with Liz Million. This year, we created illustrations to represent our school values.

Thanks to AE Coaching for delivering another brilliant Street Games day.

Den Building at Lunchtime with Mrs Bravington and Mr Grant

Year 6 represented St Hild's brilliantly during the Leavers' Service at Durham Cathedral.

STEM Club at St Hild’s🔬

Year 6 had a brilliant time during their residential at Kingswood in Hexham

We had a fantastic time during our Dojo Crafts treat. We created some beautiful pieces of artwork ☺️

St Chad's College invited our choir to take part in a performance of "Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo" at Durham Gala Theatre. We had a brilliant time and performed alongside some amazing choirs.

Breakfast Club were challenged to design their own potato character. We had lots of super entries including some characters from our favourite books.

Our KS2 Outdoor Ambassadors have been working on their den building skills during after school club

Thanks to Barrie for inviting Year 6 to take part in his virtual Punctuation Shows!

To celebrate the work all classes have done this term on mining in our local area, we held our very own Miners' Gala! Thanks to Bemont Community School Brass Band for playing for us!

KS2 worked with Oases and planted over 90 native trees around our school grounds as part of the Trees for Children project. Thank you to Hannah and Rachel for helping us!

We celebrated World Water Day and talked about the importance of water in our lives. This year, the theme of WWD is ‘Water for Peace’ and we created our Peaceful Water Mandalas. Everybody contributed their creativity skills and presented environmental consciousness through art.

Year 5 had a lovely morning taking part in the Easter Journey at Carrville Methodist Church. Thank you very much for inviting us.

Year 5 and Year 6 had a brilliant day at Ushaw College. Thank you to Megan for inviting us. We are delighted with our completed stained glass windows.

Reception had a brilliant morning at the SSP Bear Hunt Festival at Maiden Castle.

During Mental Health Week, Year 1 created a peace tree celebrating the things we can do to look after our mental health and the people who can help us

We took part in "Skip into Spring" again this year and Year 5 had a great time representing St Hild's at the celebration event at Maiden Castle.

Year 4 took part in a Learn2Bounce Resilience workshop during Mental Health Week

We thought about how we can show love to each other and be good friends during Random Acts of Kindness Day

We had great fun on World Book Day!

Congratulations to our "Bee Happy" competition winners. Thank you to Chartwells for providing the prizes and thanks to our kitchen team for picking the winners.

To celebrate Peace Day, we took part in the Durham Peace Cranes Project. Our cranes will be displayed in Durham City Centre then sent to Hiroshima in Japan!

Thanks to Craig from Durham Karate Academy for delivering an after school karate taster session in school

We learned about the importance of charity and helping others during Comic Relief Red Nose Day

Happy World Book Day!

End of Term Dojo Party Arts and Crafts designs 🐣🐥🐰🐇

To celebrate the life of our wonderful caretaker, Mrs Bell, we opened a new room in school, the JoyCE Room, where we can spend time with our friends or have quiet time if we need to think. We think this is a wonderful way to remember such a special lady.

We are very busy in our Arts and Crafts After School Club.

We enjoyed a tasty end of term Dojo treat!

A huge thank you to Chloe, Claire and Lauren for making our delicious Christmas Dinner!

We took part in a family Christingle service with Father John and Father Lee.

KS1 and KS2 took part in a live Christmas PE lesson with Durham SSP and LK Health and Wellbeing

After school Arts and Crafts club has been great fun! We have created amazing light catchers and Christmas decorations.

KS1 had a lovely visit to Durham Cathedral

We all really enjoyed Beauty and the Beast - thank you to Take Away Theatre for coming into school again!

This advent, we are thinking about the values, 'kindness' and 'peace'. All classes took part in the Picture News Peace Chain Challenge. The combined length of our chain is 15.26m!

After school PE club has been great fun! We've played a whole range of games and developed lots of different skills.

Y2, Y3, Y4 and Y5 have been working with Gemma from Durham SSP to develop their dance skills this term.

We enjoyed a snowy playtime - it was great fun!

During Parliament Week, a film crew came into school to find out more about our PSHE lessons in school. Some people were even interviewed! It was really exciting!

Green Watch from Durham Fire and Rescue came into school to remind us to stay safe when we are near fireworks and bonfires.

During Interfaith week, we found out more about lots of different faiths then we all made peace bracelets to remind us to spread peaceful behaviour.

KS2 worked with Tin Arts and created "Autumn " themed dances

Year 5 were chosen to contribute to an installation for the Lumiere Festival.

Year 5 and Year 6 entered Durham SSP's Autumn Athletics Competition.

We wore odd socks during Anti-Bullying week to celebrate our individuality. We all have our own skills and talents and we all "shine bright"!

Thanks to Meghan from Chartwells for working with KS2 this term. We explored food from around the world and thought about healthy swaps we can make to improve our diet.

In our Arts and Crafts After School Club, we were inspired by the theme of Remembrance Day and created our own collages of poppies. We also practised our cutting skills and made split pin poppies.

Chris from Durham SSP asked our Year 5 Sports Leaders to lead a KS1 PE festival at Maiden Castle - they did a brilliant job!

Durham NHS Trust Charity asked Year 5 and Year 6 if they could make Christmas cards for patients who will be in hospital over Christmas. Everyone showed kindness and compassion and lots of people volunteered to stay inside over lunchtime to make extra cards.

In PSHE, we found out about democracy then each class held elections and voted for their School Councillors.

Thank you to everyone who was able to make a donation for our Harvest Festival

In our Arts and Crafts After School Club, we explored different techniques of observational art. We created our own observational drawings and focused on ‘Beautiful Autumn’.

Breakfast Club made beautiful bunting to cheer up children who will be in hospital this Christmas.

In our Arts and Crafts After School Club, we created our own masterpieces in the style of Henri Matisse.

Thanks to our friends from Open the Book at St Giles' Church for visiting us again

All classes in school are working with Mrs Parker from DMS this year. KS2 are learning to play the ukulele.

We took part in the NSPCC "Speak Out, Stay Safe" programme again this year.

Year 6 hosted a coffee afternoon to raise money for MacMillan cancer support - thank you to everyone who came along

We had a special Collective Worship with our friends from Open the Book at St Giles' Church who told the story of Abraham.

All classes worked with Captain Chemistry. We had great fun!

Congratulations to Year 6 for working so hard this year. We enjoyed lots of post-SATs treats!

Well done to everyone who represented St Hild's at the Durham Dash.

Year 6 represented St Hild's at the Leavers' Service at Durham Cathedral. We had a lovely day.

We all took part in the Hoop Starz activities today. We gave a 100% effort in our movements.

It was lovely to welcome Liz Million back into school. Thanks for coming, Liz, it's been too long!

We didn't let the rain spoil our Coronation Celebrations! Congratulations King Charles! God save the King.

Each class entered Belmont Parish Council art competition and created their own King Charles artwork.

Year 5 and Year 6 completed a First Aid course with Nikki from the Red Cross

We all took part in a Team Building day with Darren from Durham SSP. Well done to our Y5 leaders - you did brilliantly all day!

We were inspired by the visit of Jim O'Connor who told us all about his charity, the Dorothy's Wells project in Tanzania, and the huge impact this has had on the lives of children living in rural communities.

All classes took part in a live PE lesson with LK and Durham SSP - it was hard work!

Meghan from our catering partners Chartwells came in to deliver a school lunch taster event.

Year 6 had a fantastic time during their residential at Derwent Hill in Keswick

We tool part in the ‘Skip into Spring’ Project ☺️

KS2 art club explored the work of different artists

Year 5 and Year 6 followed Gino D'Acampo's recipe to make their own delicious pizzas

In PE, Year 1 created different dance movements to represent a variety of vehicles.

Reception children created a beautiful Easter garden and retold the Easter Story.

Donaldson’s Class celebrated World Water Day by completing a range of creative activities.

We took part in the story of Zaccheaus with our friends from Open the Book at St Giles' Church

KS2 took part in Prayer Space workshops with Durham Emmanuel Church

Class 2 and Class 6 worked with Mrs Davies from Durham SSP during the Spring Term.

Meghan from Chartwells came into school to work with KS2. We found out about "sweet swaps" and made tasty chocolate hummus - a healthier treat which could replace our usual chocolate spreads

We took part in Unplugged Coding Day and found out why accurate algorithms and code are so important

During Safer Internet Day, we worked with BigFoot Arts. We know that we need to make sensible decisions to keep ourselves safe every time we go online.

Exciting News! We've won another competition. Breakfast Club took part in Robinson's Healthy Smoothie competition and we had a winner! Well done to everyone who entered and congratulations to our overall winner!

We had another wonderful visit from Take Away Theatre Group - thank you for coming in again this year!

KS2 took part in a special Christmas Choir with students from Collingwood Choir at Durham University. Scarlet, Ella and Pang came into school every week to teach us the Christmas Song then we went on a trip to their College to record the video. We became pop stars for the day and we can't wait for the final music video! Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

Mrs White's Reading Club was great fun!

KS2 evaluated our Children's Anti Bullying policy to make sure that it still meets the needs of everyone in school. The updated document is on the Policies page.

We thought about the importance of charity and supporting others during Children in Need Day

We reflected on the importance of Remembrance and Breakfast Club created some beautiful Remembrance Wreaths.

Congratulations to the families who successfully completed the Home Walk project this summer with the Walk and Talk Trust. We hope you wear your medals with pride! @WalkTalkTrust

Reverend Tim led our Harvest Festivals this year. It was lovely to welcome so many adults to these services. Many thanks to everyone who was able to donate items to support Durham Foodbank.

We took part in Durham SSP's active week and joined the live PE lesson with Leanne - it was great fun! Some of the videos were recorded at St Hild's last year!

KS2 had a wonderful visit from a member of the Sikh community, Jaswinder Singh. He brought some important Sikh items to show us and played some lovely music on a dilruba and harmonium.

KS2 took part in a Willow Weaving Day with Art Room. We managed to weave lots of leaves and made 3 beautiful trees.

We're running afterschool Gymnastics Club with Annabelle from Dragonfly Gymnastics this term - it's lots of fun!

Years 3 and 4 took part in a Tri Golf Tournament at Maiden Castle. The children enjoyed developing their golf skills.

We had a special Breakfast Club menu with pancakes! It was delicious - thank you to Mrs Shotton and our Breakfast Club team for their continued hard work!

Thanks to everyone who came to our MacMillan Coffee Afternoon and well done to Year 6 for hosting the event brilliantly!

We held our annual School Council elections - well done to everyone who stood to represent their class

We started the year with a Park and Stride even with Becca from Living Streets, PC Claire and PD Ben. Thanks to everyone who took part.

Happy New School Year! We're all ready to Shine Bright once again and we have lots of brilliant things planned!

Year 6 represented St Hild's brilliantly at the Leavers' Service at Durham Cathedral

In history, each class researched a decade from Queen Elizabeth II's reign. We shared our work at our Jubilee picnic.

We explored our new school vision and thought about how Matthew's words apply to us everyday in school.

We welcomed the Civic Pride team into school. They did a litter pick with our School Council and our Eco Team and they brought a special friend along to meet us. Thank you for coming to visit us!

We had another brilliant day with Tracey from Hoopstarz! Thank you for coming in to work with us again!

Mrs Leake came into school to talk to us about Guide Dogs. We couldn't believe how many Guide Dogs she has trained!

We explored the roads in our local area during Road Safety week. We wrote to our local MP to tell her what we found out.

Reverend Louise from Durham City Baptist Church came into worship to talk to us about courage

Each class took part in an archery lesson with Coach Gareth from Sports Cool

Well done to our Year 6 class for having such a positive attitude towards their SATs. We are all incredibly proud of you!

Belmont Parish Council invited us to enter their Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee competition. We have some amazing entries! Good luck to everyone who has entered.

Year 5 and Year 6 had a brilliant day at Moor House Activity Centre!

Year 5 and Year 6 had a sleepover in school - it was brilliant! We even played an epic game of hide and seek!

Reverend Louise from Durham City Baptist Church came into Collective Worship during Holy Week

PC Claire brought Jet and Ben into school to remind us all about Stranger Danger.

We had some brilliant entries for our decorated egg competition - well to to everyone who took part.

Year 1 and Year 2 are having fun with Mrs Hughes from Durham Music Services. This half term we are exploring different weather sounds.

Safer Internet Day in Class 2

Year 1 and Year 2 are coding with iPads and real life Code-a-pillars during Computing lessons.

Lydia from Bigfoot Education came into school to teach different classes about how to stay safe online and how to spot when cyber bullying might be an issue.

During school safety week, we all enjoyed our sessions with the Dogs Trust and found out how to stay safe around dogs.

Y5 enjoyed testing out a new science app to help with a scientific investigation.

Year 4 and Year 6 are doing Gymnastics this term with Mrs Davie from the SSP

Wow! Look who popped into St Hild's for a visit!

We all took part in a Christmas draw-along with Liz Million. Thanks again, Liz!

Each class took part in a Christmas Fun Run with Durham SSP

Celebrating the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope

Class 4 currently have an international school link with a school in France. Here is some of the work we have done so far.

So far, we have sent them Christmas cards, created a French club on a Thursday as well as send the school videos introducing ourselves in French.  

All classes took part in a tri-golf challenge with Sports Cool!

Our whole school focus during Interfaith Week was prayer. Each class researched the importance of prayer to people of different faiths and religions.

We've had fun at our after school PE clubs this term!

Reverend Tim came in to help us celebrate St Hild's Day

Our theme for Anti-Bullying week this term was One Kind Word

We're working with Aaron and Aidan from AE Coaching in PE again this year

Each class created "maths" artwork during Maths Day.

Mr Grant set each class a challenge during Maths Day - they had to solve riddles to find clues to get to the treasure!

We've relaunched our Personal Challenge again this year to make playtimes as active as possible!

Year 3 and Year 4 are doing Dance with Gemma from Durham SSP in PE this half term

Well done to our half term stars!

We're working with Mrs Hughes from Durham Music Services this year.

Reverend Abbey came into school for our Harvest Festival this year. We all had lots to be thankful for.

Each class found out more about another country during European Day of Languages.

Meet our new Eco Team!

Each class researched environmental issues during Great Big Green Week

We celebrated our individuality and creativity during Dot Day. We all started with one dot ... look how different each piece of artwork is!

Congratulations to our new School Councillors!

Each class held Council Elections. They voted for 2 people who would represent their class on the School Council. Well done to everyone who took part.

Each class learned sign language during Deaf Awareness Week

We found out about genetic conditions during Jeans for Genes day

Each Class explored the Big Story of the Bible in RE and created their own panel
