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St Hild's College C of E Aided

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Our final whole school topic this year is "One Moment in Time" and we have lots of exciting things planned. In history, we will be finding out about WWII, particularly what life was like for those people in our local area who stayed in the UK during the war. In geography, we'll find out why children were evacuated to particular areas of the UK and how the geography of the UK has changed since WWII ended. We're finding out about electricity in science and exploring the work of printer Abram Games in art - he created over 100 propaganda posters during WWII! We're also going to create our own wartime rationing recipes in DT.

We have PE every Monday this term so please come to school wearing your PE kit every week. You need your water bottle and reading book every day.


We've got a busy term ahead of us with lots of exciting things to look forward to! We'll post information on Dojo regularly but if you have any questions, please let us know.


Miss Luke and Mrs Roddam

A huge well done to everyone in Year 6 for shining so brightly this year!

We went bowling at Lane 7 Durham as a special end of year treat!

We had a brilliant day at Beamish. We visited the Pit Village, the Mine and the Town and enjoyed riding on the vehicles. We had a Victorian lesson at the Board School - Mr Hall the Head Master was terrifying!

We walked into Durham and looked at some of the artwork on display.

PC Blackett from Sherburn Road Police Station came in to talk to us about anti-social behaviour.

We learned about lots of different jobs during careers week.

Hannah from Oases led a special end of year Forest School session. We had a lovely morning.

We're exploring classification keys in science. We used sweets at first to help us understand how they work.

We had a super morning with Liz Million. We created artwork to represent our school values.

We had a lovely day at Durham Cathedral for the Year 6 Leavers' Service

We learned about habitats with Captain Chemistry. We explored owl pellets then took part in a minibeast hunt!

We experimented with relief printing and impressed printing in art.

In DT, we created allotment soup and bread using WWII rationing recipes. It was delicious!

We're enjoying our Den Building sessions!

A huge well done to everyone who represented Year 6 at the Durham Dash - you were brilliant!

We experimented with colour and created our own work inspired by Mondrian.

We had a brilliant time during our residential at Kingswood in Hexham

We used a wax resist technique to create our own interpretation of Van Gogh's Starry Night.

We enjoyed our dance lessons with Gemma from Durham SSP. Our theme was "a day at school".

Barrie invited Year 6 to take part in his two virtual Punctuation Shows. We got a shout out and two prizes!!! Thanks for inviting us, Barrie.

We took part in a very tense GPS quiz. All teams scored lots of points and we tried hard to remember the grammatical terminology we've learned throughout school.

To end the term and celebrate the work we've completed on mining in our local area, we held our very own St Hild's Miners' Gala.

We worked with Oases and planted over 90 native trees within our school grounds. Thanks to Hannah and Rachel for helping us! We had a great day!

At Easter, we took part in a "egg jarping" competition!

In DT, we used different materials to construct our own Miner's Davey Lamps. They look fab! We displayed them during our end of term Miners' Gala Parade.

We had a brilliant day at Ushaw College. We made our own stained glass windows and built arches to house them. Thanks to Megan for inviting us!

Happy Mother's Day - look at our beautiful cards for our special people!

We took part in the County Durham Peace Cranes Project. Our cranes will be displayed in Durham City Centre then they'll be sent to Hiroshima in Japan!

We explored distance and perspective in artwork then created our own beautiful drawings, applying these techniques carefully.

In maths, we investigated the properties of circles.

Look at our fabulous World Book Day costumes!

In geography, we found out how architects adapt buildings to withstand earthquakes. We built our own models using these techniques with mixed success!

In art this term, we explored "Tiger in a Tropical Storm" by Henri Rousseau and used collage techniques to create our own contrasting artwork.

Merry Christmas from Year 6!

We took part in a live PE lesson with Durham SSP and LK Health and Wellbeing

We took part in a Christingle Service with Father John.

In DT, we explored mechanisms then made our own items which feature levers and pulleys.

During Advent, we are thinking about the values, peace and kindness. We created a class Peace Chain for the Picture News challenge. It measures 3.15m and contains messages explaining how we can spread peace.

We had a brilliant "snowy" playtime - it was great fun!

During Interfaith Week, we learned more about lots of different faiths then we made peace bracelets to remind ourselves of the importance of peaceful behaviour.

Durham NHS Trust Charity asked if we could make some Christmas cards for patients who will be in hospital over Christmas. We showed kindness and compassion and some people even volunteered to stay inside at lunchtime to make extra cards!

We took part in "Speak Out, Stay Safe" with the NSPCC - "We all have the right to speak out and stay safe."

To celebrate our individuality, we wore odd socks during Anti Bullying week to remind ourselves that we are all unique and we all Shine Bright!

During Anti-Bullying week, we designed and made "Bully-Proof Vests" - these garments contain lots of handy features to prevent bullying and support people who experience this unwanted behaviour.

In RE, we thought about what God might look like. We used the watercolour paints to create our own artwork to reflect our ideas.

A film crew came into school during UK Parliament Week. They filmed our lesson and interviewed us. It was very exciting!

Green Watch from Durham Fire and Rescue came into school to remind us about the importance of staying safe when we are near fireworks or bonfires.

Year 5 and Year 6 entered Durham SSP's Autumn Athletics Competition

We used the letters in the word "Harvest" to share important messages during Harvest Festival.

We held elections to identify our Class Councillors. Well done to all of our candidates.

We took part in a food tasting workshop with Chartwells. We tried foods from around the world and thought about healthy swaps we can make to improve our diet.

We're learning to play chords on the ukulele with Mrs Parker from DMS in music

In art, we explored the work of Picasso then experimented with the sketching pencils to create our own cubist artwork

Year 6 hosted a coffee afternoon to raise money for MacMillan cancer support - thanks to everyone who came along

Year 6 September 2022 - July 2023

Forest sessions

Huge thanks to Helen and the team at Lane 7 Durham. We had a brilliant afternoon bowling! What a lovely end of year treat!

We took part in the Year 6 Leavers' Service at Durham Cathedral.

We visited Wharton Park and took part in an orienteering session with Sue. We had a great day.

Thank you to PC Waddingham and PC Gilhooley from Durham Police for coming into school to speak to Year 6. We discussed our rights and responsibilities, anti-social behaviour, what happens if people break the law and how we can help and support our community.

We're enjoying our Forest School sessions this term.

We're sewing in DT this term. It's harder than it looks but our finished bookmarks are super!

Hoopstarz with Tracey was great fun. Thanks for coming back into school again!

In art this half term, we're using the Dip, Dab, Dob technique to paint with the powders. We're recreating the work of John Constable.

We had an explosive morning with Captain Chemistry! It was great fun!

We enjoyed our Zumba morning with Gemma from Durham SSP. She made us work hard!

We explored the work of Mondrian then created our own work based on his style

Walk and Talk challenged us - we had to think carefully and work as a team to complete Darren's challenges.

We had a super afternoon working with Liz Million. Huge thanks for coming back into school again, Liz!

Well done to our super team who represented Y6 at the Durham Dash!

Thanks to Nikki from the Red Cross for delivering our First Aid training. We learned lots of important skills that could be used to save a life.

We explored Van Gogh's painting, Starry Night, and used wax relief with watercolours to create our own beautiful interpretations

We're completing Walk and Talk with Darren from Durham SSP. Thanks to Invictus Athlete, Alex Dewar, for coming in to share his inspiring story.

The best part of SATs week was ... ... our pizza and ice cream party on Friday afternoon! Well done everyone!

We took part in a Teambuilding Challenge with Darren from Durham SSP. It was great fun and the activities were harder than they looked!

We didn't let the rain spoil our Coronation Celebration! We had a classroom picnic and lots of indoor fun!

We entered Belmont Parish Council artwork competition and created beautiful portraits of King Charles III

We took part in an intraschool competition with Caitlin from Durham SSP. She taught us how to play "Scatterball" and we had great fun!

We had a fantastic time during our residential at Derwent Hill in Keswick!

In DT, we followed Gino D'Acampo's recipe to make our own pizzas - they were delicious!

Many thanks to Susan from Tesco Durham for sending us some ice lollies!

We took part in Durham SSP's live PE lesson with Leanne. It was great fun!

In art, we used the watercolours to create portraits of King Charles III

We enjoyed baking with Mrs White!

We enjoyed playtime in the snow!

Can you guess our World Book Day characters?

In gymnastics, we worked in groups to create more complex balances. This was not as easy as it looked and we had to really trust the other members of our team to keep us all safe.

We put our measuring skills to good use in maths and calculated the radius, diameter and circumference of different circular objects. It was harder than it looked!

BigFoot arts came into school on Safer Internet day and reminded us why we need to make sensible decisions to keep ourselves safe every time we go online

We worked with Meghan from Chartwells and found out more about "sweet swaps." We made chocolate chick-pea hummus which is a healthier alternative to chocolate spread.

We found out about volcanoes then re-created different volcanic eruptions

We developed our gymnastics sequences and used the apparatus so we could work on different levels

During Unplugged Coding Day, we tried to complete a task without the instructions. It didn't work. We then tried the same task with the instructions to see the impact algorithms have when we carry out tasks

We took part in a Prayer Space Workshop with Durham Emmanuel Church

We played Spelling Relay! We worked together in teams to try to remember the tricky Y6 key words!

Mrs Davie from Durham SSP worked with us in PE this term. We worked in pairs to create gymnastic sequences containing different balances, jumps and rolls.

Our Christmas Party was great fun! Merry Christmas from Year 6!

We performed our fabulous ukulele concert for everyone in school.

We all enjoyed our Christmas Lunch - thank you to our kitchen team for their hard work!

We took part in a beautiful Christingle Service to raise money for the Children's Society

In history, we found out about Ancient Egyptian beliefs. We researched their Gods and found out that they had over 2000 Gods, each with a different role!

We evaluated our Children's Anti Bullying Policy to make sure it was still appropriate and meets the needs of our school

We wore odd socks to reflect our individuality during Anti Bullying Week

We created Bully-Proof Vests, adding features that could be used to help people if they experience bullying behaviour.

During Anti-Bullying week, we evaluated our Children's Anti Bullying Policy and made sure that it was still appropriate for our school.

In music, we've started our next block of ukulele lessons. We can already play lots of chords!

In history, we explored sources of evidence to find out about the Ancient Egyptians

We applied our mapwork skills to create our own maps of our school grounds

We took part in the SSP Live PE lesson with Leanne - it was great fun!

We enjoyed our willow weaving workshop. We worked hard and made lots of leaves for our school tree.

Tesco very kindly donated some items for our MacMillan Coffee Afternoon so we popped round to collect them. We linked this to our geography topic and carried out a field study while we were out.

We held our School Council Elections. Well done to all four candidates - your speeches were excellent and the final result was very close!

In Computing, we learned about collaborative tasks. First we used paper to create a shared piece of artwork then we created a shared online document on the Chromebooks and shared artwork on the iPads. It wasn't as easy as we thought!

We tested our word class knowledge in English and held a competition to see who could create the most imaginative (and grammatically accurate) sentence

We learned more about living in a democracy in PSHE and we thought about the characteristics we are looking for in our new class councillors.

In geography, we looked at different maps of our local area. We couldn't believe how many features we found!

In Science, we explored the role of the circulatory system. We created blood, using household items to represent each component.

We're using sketching pencils to create different shading effects in art this term

We're working with Mrs Hughes from DMS again this year. First, we're exploring percussion instruments and trying to keep a steady beat.

In Computing, we found out how data is transferred over the internet. Coincidentally, we had problems using TTRS this morning and now we know why this happened!

This year, we voted Sophie Anderson as our Y6 class author
