School Catering Information
From September 2022, our catering provider is Chartwells. School meals are freshly prepared daily on our premises by our catering team.
School provides a menu that promotes a healthy diet in accordance with the Healthy Schools Campaign to encourage children to eat healthy. It is hoped that most children use this service provided for them.
Some children, including all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals. For more information about free school meals please contact the school office.
Alternatively, children can bring a healthy packed lunch to school.
The price of a school meal is £2.81 per day or £14.05 weekly and parents can pay for lunches in advance via ParentPay.
Fresh Fruit/Veg
KS1 children are provided, free of charge with a piece of fresh fruit or veg each day as part of the National School Fruit Scheme. KS2 children are welcome to bring a piece of fruit into school to be enjoyed at breaktime.
Cool Milk
Children under 5 can enjoy milk in school free of charge, this scheme is ran by Cool Milk, children can be registered here
Once children turn 5 they can still enjoy milk, parents will be contacted via Cool Milk to set up payment. Children entitled to free school meals can continue their milk - please contact the school office to arrange this.