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St Hild's College C of E Aided

Primary School


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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1/ Jeffers Class! 


We are super excited to see all of the fantastic work that is to come in the Summer Term! 


We will be exploring lots of new topics through the curriculum as well as, exploring new text types in our English lessons and learning new maths rules!


Our PE day this half term will be a Wednesday. Please ensure that all children come to school in their PE kit and wearing suitable footwear. Long hair to be tied back and jewellery removed. 


We can't wait to see what the next term will bring and how you will be able to shine bright!


Mrs Troupe, Mrs Otwinowska and Mrs Jones. 

We have been compiling our knowledge about the history of seaside holidays and created our own timeline. We talked about different places on the timeline where we would put Grace Darling and ourselves.

Today, we have been historians finding out about the life of Grace Darling. We investigated different clues hidden in the images and shared our predictions about what Grace Darling would be famous for.

In our geography lesson, we explored the seaside and learnt about human and physical features of different coastal areas.

In PSHE lesson today, we learnt about money. We discussed examples of what we need money for and explored different payment methods.

World Water Day 2024 (Water for Peace)

During our educational visit to Wharton Park, we learnt the compass directions, completed geographical fieldwork and developed map skills. We really enjoyed exploring the basic landmarks and our favourite was the play area. We had so much fun!

We are enjoying ‘reading for pleasure’ and ‘shared reading’ sessions.

We know how to stay safe at home and can identify potential hazards.

We are celebrating Valentine’s Day by completing Random Acts of Kindness. We are sharing beautifully decorated love hearts with others to make them feel loved and special.

In Computing, we are carefully designing and creating ‘Space Race’ projects by selecting appropriate backgrounds, sprites and algorithms.

Children’s Mental Health Week- My Voice Matters

Science experiment- How can I keep my Teddy dry?

Everyday materials in Science lessons

Christmas 2023

The Beauty and the Beast Pantomime

In History, we enjoyed exploring the Great Fire of London.

In Geography, we are learning about the continents and oceans of the world.

In Computing, we are using a Word Processor and creating our own digital writing.

During our Science Mini Enquiry lesson, we investigated our sense of smell.

In our handwriting lessons, we are learning about how to form letters correctly.

We are practicing our fine motor skills on our interactive whiteboard.

Year 1 September 2022 - July 2023

Today, we learnt about how to keep our local environment clean and tidy. Our special visitor- Tidy Ted helped us to understand that every single person can make a difference.

Chartwells Healthy Food session

In DT, we designed and created our own animal fabric face puppets.

Congratulations to everyone in Year 1 for trying their best during Hoopstarz today!

As artists, we used powder paints and a variety of brushes to create seascapes inspired by the artwork of Joseph Turner.

Music is so much fun!

In DT, we explored different fabrics and looked at the features of a variety of animals then we made animal puppets.

We are taking part in the ‘Skip into Spring’ Project 😊

As geographers, we explore maps and atlases and learn about the world’s seven continents and five oceans.

In DT, we've been learning about fruits from around the world and we used them in our healthy fruit salads.

In PSHE, as part of our continued work on mental health, we took part in "Inside Out" day.

We are super artists and we know who Eric Geusz is😊

In History, we are finding out about space and we learned about Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.

In Computing, we are learning about programming, algorithms and commands.

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Christmas Dinner

Road Safety

History: We are interviewing some of Year 6 children to find out about the past.

Anti-bullying Week

Children in Need Day

In PE, we were developing our fundamental skills.

Harvest Festival 😊’In My Trolley’ song.

Geography: a local area field work study and map work skills.

In Art, we were exploring drawing and learnt about tones, textures, shapes and shadows. We applied the skills and techniques modelled in previous lessons to create self-portraits.

We are using a mouse in different ways.

In Computing, we were learning about Computing Systems and Networks.

